Sunday, December 23, 2007

I AM, and I stand out!!!

Well, for starters I am not reviewing any movie today. I haven't had any inspiration to write about my old favourites nor have I seen any worthwhile ones recently worth blogging on. So today will be the day, the critic in me i.e Smriti Srivastava, will defend her choice of movies.

Most of the movies that I saw in my teens were in the company of friends or on the recommendations of friends. My opinions were that of my friends. It took me a while to realise that I can have my own opinions, very different from that of others. It should never bother me to express myself freely, even if I am ridiculed. That point came after I saw FIZA.

I thought it was a well made movie and I loved every character in it. I had relatives from Agra who laughed at me for saying that movie was good. Prior to this, I would sheepishly admit and be a coward at the cost of my free expression. But out of the blue, I found a new found courage to admit that I had my own mind and I didn't need yours to decide which movies I should like. I must also say that this blog is only about my favourite movies and not necessarily the ones you like either.

The last time I was ridiculed for my choice was for Saawariya. I quite liked the movie. At least it wasn't such a dud as it was billed out to be. It had a different feel to it and I quite enjoyed the experience. It music was also refreshing and I would count it among the best I've heard this year.

So that's that. I don't try to be different. I dont try to be a rebel (most would say that as I normally like things that others don't always like). I am what I am... I have a voice and I don't like it subdued. You can filter it out if it's not too pleasing to your ears but I won't shut it out cos I have the right to use it. Peace!!

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